23 November 2010

The FAQ’s of Salt Lake County Snow Removal

The FAQ’s of
Salt Lake County
Snow Removal

       Q: The snowplows push snow into my freshly cleared driveway. Isn’t there a better way to clear the streets to show some consideration to the residents?
       A: Unfortunately, there isn’t a better way to clear streets. The snow has to go somewhere, and to make our roads safe, that somewhere is the side of the road. Snowplow blades are designed to push snow to the side of the road. The driver has no other option as to where the snow goes. We recommend you push the snow to the right of your driveway as you face the street.

       Q: Will the County clean out the area in front of my mailbox after the plow pushes snow in front of it?
       A: No, residents are responsible for removing the snow next to and in front of their mailbox to permit mail delivery.

       Q: Where can I put the snow shoveled from my sidewalk and driveway?
       A: Residents are encouraged to push or throw snow onto their own property. It is illegal to throw or push any snow into any street. Putting snow into the streets can make the road more dangerous for automobiles and snowplows.

       Q: Can I park on the streets and when do I have to clear the sidewalks?
       A: Between November 1 and March 31st vehicles may not park on the streets anytime snow is present.

And, finally, sidewalks must be cleared within 12 hours of the storms end.

For more information on snow removal or preparing for a major storm, please visit the Public Works Operations web site at www.slco.org or Salt Lake County Emergency Services at www.slcoem.org.

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Logo provided for use by Salt Lake County Mayor's Office. Copyright © Salt Lake County.

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